Digital Nomad Visa

Portugal has been offering Visas for those wishing to move full time to the country, initially the Golden Visa scheme was the primary route many went down, however this has now been discontinued so many are looking at alternative routes to make their home base in the country and why not!


The Digital Nomad Visa is an excellent choice for those that can work remotely. The core qualifying factor is you must earn a minimum of €2,800 per month. You must of made this for at least 3 months prior to the visa application.

Only those from outside the EU and EEA can apply for this Visa, so it's an excellent choice for our UK clients since Brexit now makes them eligible.  You must also be employed by a non Portuguese company, or be self employed.


If you comply with the above remit then you have the choice of applying for a temporary stay visa, or a full Residence visa.  The temporary visa is a fairly easy application process and allows the applicant to stay in the country for 1 year, of course with the possiblity to renew.  There are no restrictions on travel whilst under this visa and you can come and go from Portugal as you wish, you may also work as a freelance worker in Portugal during this time.


To apply for the Permenant Residence Visa you will need to provide proof of you employment, via a copy of your work contract, Portuguese fiscal, NIF, number, Proof of tax residence and payslips.